Sunday, 1 September 2013

Chemistry 101 IB

My mood is My chemistry
My chemistry depends on:
1. Money - news of lots of money coming my way makes me happy (for the time being)
2. Food - no matter what the other factors, if I eat foods that are wrong for me, everything else is reduced, and I feel like a struggle.
3. Other people
4. The thoughts I think

Do not eat:
1. Yoghurt - it makes my head very tired
2. Rice - it makes me sweat
3. Bread - it makes me tired, and eventually, sick
4. Ice cream - makes me tired and sick very quick
5. Overeat - anything that is good for me is no good when I overeat
6. Two espresso's in a day - the next day, and even two days, I am lethargic and totally out of energy

Do not think:
1. Lif eis meaningless.

Rather think:
  1. 1/ Life is free
  2. Do not be a control freak. Let go and let God
  3. I want IP. Remember, that is all I want. I can have it now,at any moment. IP is being free.

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