Monday, 30 September 2013

My son

Ben is my son
I have done nothing for his future 
I have set no example
i am just carrying on
I am not the VWM, I am not the VWD, the VWF
I am a small man
and Ben would not look up to me

Indeed, he will look at me and just think - so he had me;
that is all

I need to be an example

Is it too late?
I am 50
I have 20 years until Ben is 21
I have 20 years ntil I am 70
I am in good shape
that is my blessing
so I can do somehting real in the next 20 years
and the next 10 too
what is it?
i can start with today and end up with in 10 years time and say I followed through and I enjoed it
and I was good at it
and I leave a legacy
coffee or software
these are the two things

coffee takes capital
software takes me pushing developers to do stuff on spec
but i could put capital into the software too

coffee is good because it is physical
but it takes me employing people
and I am not good at leading people
in fact I am clueless
software is better suited
and more scaleable
because ok look at this
i could be a lone barista
or a lone develper
but i will reach more people with software

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