Sunday, 30 June 2013

Decision, Desire, Destiny

There is a difference between decision and desire, and it is worth knowing and putting into practice in my life. 
Decision activates power to change the world. Desire is great, but without decision, there is no action, no lasting change. To make a decision involves a certain knowing, a sense of definite - as in definitely going to happen. it is an activatino of power. it is setting somethin in motino that will take place. i do not invoke the power of decision often enough. when i do, i love the results. i am so amazed at them, that i think i best save my decisions for later. i put them off. i think tomyself without thinking at all - best i buckle down and work harder. 
Ivan - it is great to be disciplined - bu i need to use my discipline ot make better decisions, more often. 
often, i allow myself to be led by thoughts that i am not doing enough, and i need to do more. yes apple, all very well, but those thoughts are using me, they are feeding off me, stealing my energy, my life force. because it is not a matter of working harder, it is a matter of thinking bigger, and stronger. being here.


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