Friday, 20 September 2013

Nothing new, something brand new

7June2005 I wrote this

Being in debt is a feeling

It is a feeling of waiting for money to rescue you; and then you will be able to reconnect with God. It is a state of waiting. Waiting for money. Then the time to live will come.

Why not first be worthy enough to connect with God. Don’t put God on hold.

And what is God? God is love.

How do you feel it personally?

Allow it in.

Ask for it.


God cannot be present if you do not ask.

And in asking, make a decision to know that God is here, now.

Do not put god off because you are in debt. Do not put god on hold because first you must get out of debt before you can be worthy.

You did nothing wrong. So you are in debt.

Reconnect. God is not judging you. God is not your banker.

God is your source of energy, your higher frequency that will enable you to overcome. And you will know the great joy in overcoming.

Debt is heavy. Dense. It is a burden. Ask god for help.


20 Sept 2013

I am writing this:
I see that the revelation is nothing new.
To effect lasting change, takes effort on a daily basis. A new habit needs to be formed.
It is not that I do not know the answers.
It is that I do not implement them.
But to be fair to myself now. what I know now is that things have actually changed, and that my knowledge is slightly nuanced. I have a greater understanding and I have learned some new techniques, new methods for implementing my knowledge.
I have changed my eating, my praying, my channeling of energy, and how to access an energy source and re-direct it instead of merely releasing it in the act of instant gratification.

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