Thursday, 19 September 2013

Engaging as a VWM


Remember that my wealth does not depend on taking action that is perfect; 
My wealth depends on how I feel whilst taking action. 

When engaging with people or doing an activity, stop, and first BE the VWM. Gather the energy from my favorite God-given sources, and channel the energy I feel from my source, into the VWM.

The actions I take must be taken as if I am a VWM whilst taking those actions. This must become a habit. Do it for the little activities too.

KEY point
DO NOT take the action and postpone the VWM until the outcome of the action is ‘successful.’ Instead, be the VWM taking the action right now.

ALWAYS Speak to people from the standpoint of a VWM. DO not wait until I am a VWM. Instead, be the VWM when engaging.

Don't eat this.
Remember to be a VWM before I use my words

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