Sunday, 15 September 2013


One exception leads to another. Therefore do not make an exception. As in, I will just allow myself this one treat. It sets off a series of imbalances, and it is hard to recover my balance. It throws me off track. My focus needs to be regained.
One imbalance leads to another. One treat leads to another. When I treat myself, I am actually mistreating myself. A real treat is alertness, awareness, feeling strong and clear minded and powerful body.

god is real. that is how i am here writing this. god has chosen me to the extent that i have chosen god. as in: god is real to the extent that i have chosen god to be real. i can go it alone, i often have. but what point is there to that? things go better with god.

knowing god:
it is essential to know this:
only I can know god for me. for god to be real and meaningful for me, I must listen to others, and then I must decide for myself, and listen to myself. there is courage needed to listen to others and to listen to myself.

I  see that mundane pictures taken on the fly are often of things I have clean forgotten. Yet when I see them again, I enjoy them immensely and am able to reflect upon them with meaning. I enjoy the experience more. It is because of two things: one: on the day it was taken, I was worried about the day ahead, or distracted in some way from the present moment. Perhaps I needed to pee. And today, I am worried about the day ahead, and going back to that moment is now an escape from today, with none of the worries of the day when the photo was taken - this  is freedom. it allows me a moment of enjoyment. So I am recapturing the moment. I am living now, at present, based on the moment that has passed me by. So all is not lost. It is like that with holidays. they are not perfect at the time. their perfection increases with distance.

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