Wednesday, 18 September 2013


A very wealthy man does not rush the present moment away. He lives in the present moment. Because he has a constant sense of power within. He does not make decisions based on money. He makes decisions based on uis sense of power within. He never seeks approval. He is kind. He is aware that God is One and that God is Love. He knows that Gd does not judge, bt that his own constant judgement is the only obstacle to good things. To wealth.
And get this: he is not afraid to ask for God to give him wealth.
He is not afraid to define his purpose as that of being a wealthy man.
He is not afraid of what the world might say.
He claims his wealth. It is all within his being. 
He never asks his wife permission for how he should feel.
He feels his power. His wealth.
And he is able to share it with kind words and deeds.

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