Saturday, 26 July 2014

Discipline results in being in the moment and being happy with it

Staying connected is the ultimate reason for discipline.
It is the reason for being here, the meaning of life. Connection - a feeling of good energy, is the reward for being disciplined.

be still and be connected. rush, and be connected. run and be connected. eat, sleep, talk. do all this and be connected. connected to what? the original energy that made me. that I am. Love. The energy of love. Love is all. God is love. God is show don't tell. Love is show don't tell. Love is being connected, because then I am happy, n a happy space. connection is not dependent upon activity or circumstance, it is dependent upon discipline. True discipline is rare. Discipline allows me to resonate on a higher frequency, tune in to a higher frequency, and attract a better message that flows through my heart to all my cells and materialises as a wonderful person to be near.
Be generous with my connection. it allows others to connect. help them if they need help. be kind.

I am always postponing connection until the space is perfect, waiting until the job is done.
rather - be aware of connection, that it is not dependent on the activity at all. there is no such thing as a perfect activity. there is only perfect connection.
I am always rushing to get through what I am doing, postponing happiness unitl it is done, only to find that another urgent activity fills its place. A lot of rushing.
being in the moment
being in the circumstance
being in the situation
accept it, do not fight it. the trick is to be connected.

there is no such thing as love - there is show don't tell. that is love. this is how you show it:
Discipline is rare
Kindness (result is no warts :)

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