Saturday, 26 July 2014

Discipline results in being in the moment and being happy with it

Staying connected is the ultimate reason for discipline.
It is the reason for being here, the meaning of life. Connection - a feeling of good energy, is the reward for being disciplined.

be still and be connected. rush, and be connected. run and be connected. eat, sleep, talk. do all this and be connected. connected to what? the original energy that made me. that I am. Love. The energy of love. Love is all. God is love. God is show don't tell. Love is show don't tell. Love is being connected, because then I am happy, n a happy space. connection is not dependent upon activity or circumstance, it is dependent upon discipline. True discipline is rare. Discipline allows me to resonate on a higher frequency, tune in to a higher frequency, and attract a better message that flows through my heart to all my cells and materialises as a wonderful person to be near.
Be generous with my connection. it allows others to connect. help them if they need help. be kind.

I am always postponing connection until the space is perfect, waiting until the job is done.
rather - be aware of connection, that it is not dependent on the activity at all. there is no such thing as a perfect activity. there is only perfect connection.
I am always rushing to get through what I am doing, postponing happiness unitl it is done, only to find that another urgent activity fills its place. A lot of rushing.
being in the moment
being in the circumstance
being in the situation
accept it, do not fight it. the trick is to be connected.

there is no such thing as love - there is show don't tell. that is love. this is how you show it:
Discipline is rare
Kindness (result is no warts :)

Monday, 21 July 2014

Why discipline?

Discipline is my best way of ensuring that the person (me) who reads this tomorrow, is as disciplined as the person who wroote this today. Being consistent.
see i am sending messages from myself today when i feel great, in the hope that i will maintain this greatness of being connected and feeling clear headed and energised (even though not much sleep due to Ben).
So eat well, and be well... and go tell no man. do not instruct others what to eat nor seek their approval for my nutritional methodology. simply carry on and eat and do not speak of things that I do or do not eat. just be well :)
I am taking a snapshot of today in the hope that it becomes a movie of today, tomorrow and the next day, a continuous stream of discipline. any reason I have to break the code is simply an excuse. and it is me, listening to a voice that feeds off my lower energy. if I want to be rare, then remember, true discipline is rare.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

A litte discipline goes a long way

A little dip in discipline also goes a long way.

A small quick treat can my energy for long defeat.

the exe to run, that little script that can keep me on my quest to remain disciplined and not succumb to momentary lapse of discipline - it is this:
with energy, I am strong, and can't go wrong.  I can handle anything. My posture is strong too. But when I lapse, even the perfect circumstance and situation is meaningless. rendered meaningless and miserable, and I am a slump.

the thing is, what is bigger for me?
to vres and vres, es and es. oh yes it is so nice, but is it really?

discipline always pays.
overeating on the other hand will always reduce a perfect day to a miserable struggle against myself. I am weak. tired. Struggling. and life becomes meaningless. i am not strong. i am really a zombie.
the biggest treat I can enjoy is actually not space nor is it delicious food - it is strength, clarity, connection.
overeating makes me disconnect - always. and when I am disconnected, I am lost.
the biggest holiday I can have is to maintain absolute discipline. my energy is great, and I love being alive and I can handle the tough spots easily. when I am disconnected, tough spots seem impossible, and a great day just passes me by without me even being there.

a true true holiday is not a rest from discipline, it is absolute discipline! then watch me soar. be there for ben and helen. be stronger and stronger. rise above. see where next to go. see i think i may be bored and have all this energy and nothing to do with it. so i may as well eat and be tired. but tha tis bullshit. clear energy means i will be creative, constantly creative, connected - things come to me, and they take me higher.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

discipline is:

when I feel great, I feel no compulsion to eat shit. and I feel great when I eat good food. then I am unassailable. so when I slip, I am angry at myself and punish myself further by eating more shit.
remember, I am really great. and I can feel great again. sooner than later. so hold off the punishment when I am down. and I will bounce back. just give me a change. all is not lost. I will be found again.


stu kantor

You should aim to reach, not start at, the summit
stu kantor

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Help me please

I am assailed by low grade thoughts. They attack me when I am down, and I am down because I am eating foods that lower my energy level and maketh me vulnerable. Literally, I am attacked. And I am unhappy. And these thoughts come to me and bring me down. they feed off me I guess. And it is hard to fight them because I am low. And I am low because I am undisciplined. And these thoughts tempt me into eating more bad foods. and they feed off this. I do not know why this happens, but I am susceptible. and not impressed with myself. Everything becomes a struggle. and my joy is superficial. please please please Ivan. stay vigilant. For eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from fear, weakness, poor thoughts, and sad being. Eternal vigilance guards my light, my energy, and keeps me resonating on the level of the love that created life itself.

Friday, 4 July 2014

discipline is

Discipline is easy to define, not so easy to do consistently.

Define it: the act of waiting. The act of saying no to instant gratification, and applying vision of something greater in its place. Knowing there is a reward, and being prepared to do what it takes - and not do what delays it. Instant gratification delays the accomplishment of my true vision.
Instant gratification is when I have no vision that is compelling.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Stong - decision

Strength is a decision. Be here now. Be happy now. Be strong. Have the right to be here fully, right now. that is a decision. Not asking permission, not waiting for position. Here, now. Make the decision. And be it.


Always keep the pipeline flowing.
What you see today is the result of yesterday.
What you see tomorrow is the result of today.

Feel good now. Feel good about SOMETHING now. It matters not what about. Just feel it. Generate more good feelings than bad, and the pipeline will flow good things.