Mood displacement therapy
What to do when my mood is great and good, and my partner who thinks she controls and owns me has an agenda of her own, tells me what to do, and complains about the way I do things and spend my time 'ere on earth.
This is my biggest challenge. Indeed it has been since I was a kid and Dad used to come home - I may have been in a good mood, and dad would come home in a bad mood, and then I could not maintain my mood in the face of his. I find myself today in the same situation. I let my partner destroy my good mood, and then waste my energy fighting with her. What is the best way for mood maintenance in the face of her bad mood, without wasting energy and justifying my life?
1. sh'ma - love
2. I am here. All here, and it is my total right to be here and it is right for me to be here. make no excuses for it.
decide - be here. totally. no need to hide! be here!
do not ask permesso, do not ask, do not justify. Just be here fully! Love being here! and if not loving it. just be here anyway. without excuse.
and, keep the discipline.
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