Friday, 1 January 2016

The frequency of 2016, Jan 1

So here I am. I have arrived. I have flowed into 2016 on the water of time.

In 2015 I was blessed to discover the relevance and significance of resonance and frequency.
2016 is the year of living on a new frequency.
Tuning in to a new radio station.
Buying a new CD.
Creating my own vibe and staying with it. Influencing others with my strong frequency. Turning up the pitch. Keeping the peace.
Make 2016 the year of living on a new frequency.

strength is maintaining my frequency.
knowledge is determining a great one to be on.
kind, clear, fast, light, happy, wealthy.

a new discipline changes the frequency.
so do not say anything negative about anyone. do not engage in it. no complaining.
do skipping for 3 mins 365 days a year.
there is 1440 mins per if I want to skip for the equivalent of 24 hours per annum, I need to skip for 1440/365 = 3.945 mins a day. ie 3 mins and 57 secs. which is really 4 mins a day.

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