Sunday, 17 January 2016

2 things to live by

1. If I eat when my head is hungry, not my tummy, I will end up being fucked

2. God demands discipline.

3. I pay the price for impulsive override. I suffer from impulsive override. Think!

Banting for a day:

1. Just do not eat it. my gut s overriding me. to get control back, listen to me, not my gut.
it is uncomfortable not to eat comfort food, but it is disgusting to be tired all the time. the knock on effect is so huge, i am such a loser if i eat what my impulsive gut demands.
simply do not listen.
not even fruit.
one apple a day, not more.
one coffee
no cashew nuts. none. not one.

from now on.
water instead. answer with water. put out the fire.
drink water, not food.
i am not hungry, i am bored. ennui.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

I would if I could

Banting for 7 days in a row.
I would if I could.
I know what to do.
I want to do it.
I feel so shit right now, I cannot bear what I am doing to myself on a regular basis.
it is not what I put in that counts, it is what I leave out.
I know the risky foods.
Come on Apple, be good for a week. Give me this please.

Friday, 1 January 2016

The frequency of 2016, Jan 1

So here I am. I have arrived. I have flowed into 2016 on the water of time.

In 2015 I was blessed to discover the relevance and significance of resonance and frequency.
2016 is the year of living on a new frequency.
Tuning in to a new radio station.
Buying a new CD.
Creating my own vibe and staying with it. Influencing others with my strong frequency. Turning up the pitch. Keeping the peace.
Make 2016 the year of living on a new frequency.

strength is maintaining my frequency.
knowledge is determining a great one to be on.
kind, clear, fast, light, happy, wealthy.

a new discipline changes the frequency.
so do not say anything negative about anyone. do not engage in it. no complaining.
do skipping for 3 mins 365 days a year.
there is 1440 mins per if I want to skip for the equivalent of 24 hours per annum, I need to skip for 1440/365 = 3.945 mins a day. ie 3 mins and 57 secs. which is really 4 mins a day.

My Volvo in Santa Monica

I would love to buy the new Volvo here in sunny beautiful Cape Town. But I know better,
I need to buy it in Santa Monica.
I need to be on the right frequency. It feels right.
Working harder on the same frequency and pitch just intensified my current situation, keeps me in the same place.
I need to move to a new level.
I know things of which other people do not need to know.
I know things that I need to do.
The beauty is that I need not convince anyone of anything. Just do it.
I really am the whole world.
There really is nothing against me, holding me within the frequency I am on.
I just need a new discipline, a new routine, a new way of being.  A new frequency.

Daniel looks for things to make him unhappy/
my lesson:
Look for things that make me happy. Focus on that.
there are so many things. Choose my focus.
Resonate with the happy things. Happiness is mine.

OK, so change means change my frequency. It does not mean work harder at what I am doing. It does not mean do more of the same. It means see life differently. Life does not impose any limit to the frequency I wish to resonate on. There is no actual THING I need to DO in order to change my frequency. However discipline gets me there beautifully, and faster.

Life does not impose any limit to the way I see life and relate to it. The world is mine. I am the world. I am unlimited. Life is unlimited. Limitations are not imposed. Yes, I have imposed countless limitations based on copying and resonating with the world around me. But that is just one version of reality that is a reflection of myriads of frequencies interacting. I am still my very own frequency. God's frequency is love. I channel that energy and it flows through my series of on/off switches.
So yes, love is within, but it is my choice of how it flows.

OK, so I live in a world of frequencies. Strength is not to resonate on theirs. But to maintain mine. Know thy frequency.
Identify it.
What is it?
Have confidence in it. SO that no matter what I am doing, I am still on my frequency, and I do not lose it.
Food, exercise, the sh'ma, and constant awareness. Posture.

7 days of bringing forth

Practice awareness, each day, daily focus.

focus, maintain awareness, and resonate on the frequency of God's world:
know the frequency: mediate upon it, feel it; then resonate with it.

1. Monday Mountain - posture  (spine)
2. Tuesday Rose - beautiful (cheeks)
3. Weds Light and leaves - kindness (eyes)
4. Thurs Sea - flow, moving, joints, knees, arms
5. Friday  Rain - abundance  - fingers, skin
6. Shabbat  Lake - calm, be still. Voice, throat.
7. Sunday  Birdsong, water flowing, breeze in leaves - peace, creativity (quiet time) Head, thoughts