Thursday, 31 October 2013

my favorite

My favorite part of being here, in this world, is doing nothing. feeling good, chemically good, in harmony, and sitting, thinking, about anything and nothing, birdsong outside, sun or rain, with no one disturbing me. left alone to my own space, I am happiest. that is what i love about my life. my own perfect space. the quiet space, of me, myself, I. 
the busyness of life has no appeal to me. 
out of the quiet of this undisturbed haven of peace, good things flow. this is the source. 
Part of me, I know, is telling me, I am fucked. Fucked in the head, the mind, the survival stakes. I will not survive doing nothing. obviously, doing nothing costs money. a lot of money? not a lot, but it costs money. i like my basic comforts. coffee and yoga and beauty and peace and dappled light with quiet outside

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