You come into this world wanting. Ceaselessly wanting.
You want ot control.
You want to snap your fingers and it must happen all at once.
You want to be God, but you are not.
You want to believe in God, and you do, but you do not.
You want to be grateful, but for how long until you forget?
And the wanting starts to rule you again.
You identify with it. You become it. You're a WaNT.
How to stop the wanting?
It is not so much a matter of stopping the wanting.
It is more a matter of stop trying to control everything.
God is love. What is there to control?
Know my desires, and they will come to fruition.
Be grateful in the moment. Be grateful for the life that I am.
For I am always around, but I am not always alive.
Be alive to the life that I am, celebrate that.
Rushing destroys the celebration.
Calibrate the movements I make.
List them carefully, then follow them.
1. Experience gratitude.
2. Know my goals. Long medium short immediate
3. Continue, and chop wood.
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