Sunday, 11 January 2015

It's all in the mind (not)

That was a real mind-fuck for me - "It's all in the mind"

It took me round in circles for many years, decades even. It is a saying that a survivalist mentality would subscribe to.

Its all in the mind is what I believed. Therefore I could not believe in God. Because God was also in the mind - just a figment of my imagination.

I can say that all in the mind is not a belief that served me well. It got me locked up inside my mind, and cut me off and got me disconnected from God.
Not that I am especially connected to God right now - but at least I know that God is not all in my mind; I know that there is a God that exists independently of my mind, of my thoughts, of my ego.

Does God know me, care for me?
I think that God loves me; but I think that this love is objective, it is not personal in that God does not specifically love Apple Cohen.
I think that God made me so that I could make love and make the world a meaningful place.
What counts is to make love. I love making money. God loves making love. Beauty is God showing not telling. God shows love. We are never told. God does not need to speak. God shows.

Does God show me personally? Yes, to the extent that I ASK.

love love love God prayer.

Know that God is one, God is love, God is real. then pray. ASK! asking means connection. survival prompts me to ask. and that is the right thing to do. going it alone is not what makes god happy. connection is. so ask. please pass the salt. stop stretching over table...

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