Thursday, 20 February 2014

Marriage and romance

Love in marriage is seldom romantic. The relationship is governed by the question of money. It is a practical thing. Romance is not practical. Romance is idyllic. Infatuation is the bond at the beginning of a relationship. It is the sexual energy that brings us close. And then after that it is the practical stuff, that is not sexy. Love is closely related to survival in a married couple. You may find your wife sexy, but she will not be in the mood for sex because her mind is on the future, and the future depends on money. And money is a source of friction if there is too little. And if there is a lot, then there may be an imbalance of power. But I only know about to little. So there is a lot of friction, it is a constant, and it is always there.
I know Hollywood's portrayal of love is the romantic one, and even so, I find myself holding this to be the standard to strive for. Even though Hollywood does not reflect reality. Hollywood reflects the dream. But hark, it is a dangerous one, because it is a dream based on making movies, making money out of selling a story that people love to believe in. Even though I know Hollywood to be a story, it is a story I have accepted as true - i.e as based on 'the truth about love' when in fact, there is no such thing. there is God. God is love. Let that be my source of light and joy. and then when I interact with people, my relationships will improve.

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