Every day I need to make a fresh decision.
I need to know, for myself, that God is love. That God created me. That God forgives me. That God is with me. That God loves me right now. And thus, I can be free to go out into the world, not as a reaction, but as a loving person that brings the frequency of love, and radiates love, and so makes more love by the resonance within others that I set in motion.
Oh of course, I have not been that person at all.
So limited I have been. So focused on getting. So forgetful of being a frequency of love.
If I had a grand vision of myself, it would be to be a man who resonates love and sets others in motion.
To date, I have been a fighter. Looking out for No.1
But today, I make a decision. God is love. God is with me now. Let me be love. Let me ride on the wave of love, and spread the frequency of love.
the sh'ma is not just a prayer. It is a decision that needs to be actively made.
let God be the wind beneath my wings that he gave me to fly with. Stop flapping about like a crazy bird.Start gliding on the currents, on the breeze. Swoosh, and I am there. No effort in the flight.
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