Sunday, 24 April 2016

this moment

This is the moment I have been waiting for.
this is what I live for.
Which moment is it that you live for?
In other words, all the rest are the moments that you are not living for; all the other moments are moments that you are not living, you are wasting.

I find myself rushing. I want to get to the moment. And my present moment is just another thing I must do so that I can get the the moment I have been waiting for.

Are all moments not equal?
In fact they are. But I make them unequal. Rushing is a waste of life.
true success is all moments are equal - equal in that they are all moments that I am aware of how great it is to be alive.

how do I do this?

In fact it is best to be practical about this, not esoteric - i.e. make a list.

So that I am aware of where I am in the list. Nothing on the list is a waste of time. Yes, some are more urgent than others. Some are more important than others. But if I am going the one thing, then I should be as alive doing the one as the other.

So list it.
And then know I will get to the rest.
And then I can rest in this moment. And enjoy this moment.

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