Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Setting me back

I know I am going to do it to myself again. But really, I wish I would not.
When I have 2 espressos:
1.       Yes I feel buzzed on the day.
2.       And then that night I do not sleep well. Restless, light sleep without rejuvenation.
3.       And then the next day I wake up late, fragile. Insecure. Shell shocked. Dizzy, weak. No strength, no power. Aged, wrinkled. No exercise. No will power.
4.       The time for will power is the time before I drink the poison. After that, I cannot cope. I am useless. Unhappy. Depressed. Too tired to be in Provence.
5.       I am destroying Provence with a second espresso.
Is it worth it?

No. Even with a high of yesterday? NO! Not worth it. It is like taking one leap up, and then falling down a flight of stairs. Bump bump crash to the bottom.

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