Tuesday, 21 October 2014

lovely dream, now make it real, daily

Monday, 20th, 2014

Spent the weekend at Bartholemeus Klip, so nice, so peaceful, mountains, light, birdsong, fresh air, space.

Then I had a dream on Sunday night/Monday am.
Vanessa was going overseas, and she looked fully recovered and well.
Karen came from a help course, and she showed me the course material. It was a lot of text and she had highlighed the parts she liked (foolscap pages).
I poo-poohed the stuff, and thought to myself - Discipline is what you need. Eat well, be disciplined, and the rest will take care of itself.
But then one line of highlighed text called out at me, and I re-read the line. In my dream, I told myself to take special note, it is important. Stop and think about this, and recognise it.
It read "........love, love, love, God, prayer."
And I realized that love precedes discipline. Love is the common denominator. Love is the foundation that success is built upon.  I will not sabotage myself, my self discipline, if I have love first. Willpowering my way to self discipline fails me time after time.
Give up forcing control. Allow love. Recognise that God is real. And pray to God. Ask for what I want. Ask. Asking is connection. Do not hide. Ask! God loves it when I ask for directions.

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