Friday, 9 October 2015

Chemical balance, chemical warfare

Sometimes, life is experienced as a torrid thing.
That is when I am chemically messed.
Then there is chemical warfare.
The only way to win is discipline.
Discipline is the way to experience love.
Even when I am being shouted at, I can remain calm. Because my chemistry is balanced.
My balance is constantly being challenged by people, circumstance, food, prayer.
it is regained through discipline in exercise, food, prayer, and how I conduct myself when I interact with others.

Shhhh, Show, don't tell

God hath no need of telling
God is always and constantly showing.
God did not speak 5000 years ago on the mountain, and then forever hold his peace.
God is here, now. Showing me. Not whispering imaginary things in my ear - but showing me. By the way I feel, by the things I experience.
1st, there was the word. And the word was love.


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

A chemical being having a spiritual experience

I am a chemical being having a spiritual experience.

I see now that human beings are designed to be constantly out of chemical balance, and constantly striving to regain the balance that is our comfort zone.

I am constantly chemically challenged.
And this is the way it is meant to be.