Sunday, 26 April 2015

Expect to be Strong

Be strong. Claim it. Just f.claim it. Permesso not required. Be it.
Take it
Don't fake it
Know it
Don't show it
Know it
It show, don't it
I am the whole world
there is no other
there is no other
I am it.

there it is.
it is there.
here I am.
be here. always be here, and know that I am here.

Peephole will look
peephole will say
but what do they know
they know little
I know a lot
I am not trying to convert them
just myself
believe me I know
go far, Apple, go far.
to that farmhouse in Provence
meet me there.
I will be there

do not ask other people
they will never say yes.
it doesn't work that way
God always says yes,
no need to ask
Need to be strong and know
that is where you go

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Busy day

I have a really busy day today, packed with things do do, and no time to do them all.
I'd better make time for God first.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Chemistry is reality

Your experience of the world is largely determined by your chemistry.
If you are not in balance, the world is tiring
If you in balance, the world is alive with possibility.